And now we are 4

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Introducing Darcy:

Many of you already know, and some of you may not yet know our family has grown again! Our nephew Darcy has come to live with us!

Let me start by saying that the past 3 years have been hard on him, my brother, my extended family and us, as decisions have been (and continue to be) made for the best for the kids. So if I leave details out or you want to know more, please respect that it was probably intentional and out of respect for those involved.  As far as we are concerned, Darcy is a part of our family now and we would want him treated as such by the people around us. However his daddy is still very much his daddy and please respect that he loves him and the my brother is very much a part of his life.

Life is getting busy with a 3.5 year old and 6month old at home, but we are quickly adapting to becoming a family of four….it feels like we pushed the fast forward button…in 1 year we went from being newlyweds to new parents to having a toddler and a baby! And with that comes many more trips to the park, no more TV dinners, a car full of carseats and early bedtimes!

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Darcy adds so much fun to our household, he is constantly trying to make sense of his world and chatters non-stop. Raine loves having a sibling to play with and he can often make her smile. Darcy is also very protective and concerned about her when she is crying or upset. A prime example was this summer at  reunion everyone was clapping and Darcy was saying “shh, be quite, your hurting the babies ears!” of course like any siblings that’s only when he’s not the one taking her toys away from her!  And what a BOY, we now live in a land of Superheros, bugs, trucks, sharks and potty-training!

If you are a pray-er. Please pray for us as all of us are adjusting and that Darcy would feel safe and have a sense of belonging in our home. View More:


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